
We welcome the following volunteers to apply to Mercy International:
- Construction – Advisors
- Agriculture / Farm workers – Advisors
- Teaching English
Vounteer With Mercy International
Experience an adventure of a lifetime volunteer with Mercy International in Thailand.
Important Note
If you are thinking of applying as a volunteer with Mercy International, please note the following.
All foreign volunteers coming to serve in Thailand for one month or more are required to:
- Complete the Mercy International application form and attach a personal photo
- Apply for a police check
- Have a current passport for travel
- Submit list of medications and conditions
- Have sufficient finance to live on and any travel expenses
- Read the Volunteer Manual
Teachers coming to teach English are required to have:
- A police check
- A transcript of their teaching degree or another degree plus a TSOL certificate
Mercy International operates all facilities on a Christian basis. We do not discriminate between faiths and we trust that the Christian ethics we live by will be respected by all volunteers.